Success story of Mr. Themba Ndlovu

Success story of Mr. Themba Ndlovu

Quality means doing it right when no one is looking
Henry Ford

At Arteak we believe that the people that work with us are our grater resource. This is why we are proud to share the success story of Mr. Themba Ndlovu for the contribution provided to the achievement of Goal Zero and the implementation of Arteak’s HSSE golden rules within Shell construction Safety improvement Program.

Mr Themba Ndlovu received the official safety recognition Award because of his prompt observation and intervention that leaded to the prevention of a possible catastrophic accident.

He is a SNC-Lavalin fire watch employed on the Rockys Drift Project. During his shift, he was attending the morning toolbox talk when he noticed that there was gas leaking from a pipe whereby we were about to execute hot work, he stopped immediately his work and informed us of the Eazi-gas pipe leakage

The spirit of observation and an immediate reaction in critical and dangerous situations.
Is at the base of what we teach during our HSSE courses.
In high-risk workplaces, these kinds of skills make a great difference
In avoid situations of extreme hazard for people and the environment.

Mr Themba Ndlovu 30 years old and a father of 3 kids lives in White-Hazy in South Africa.


Arteak Ltd

14 Devonshire Square, London, EC2M 4YT - +44 (0) 20 79291144