Success Story: Shell

Success Story: Shell



Since 2015 Arteak has been engaged in Surveillance Overlay services for Shell Trading & Supply, providing on-field HSSE supervision of Contractors’ activities, continuous support and advise for local Project Teams, and training of the local workforce.

This extended period of service delivery made it possible to analyze and measure all benefits obtained and results achieved including Zero Lost time Injury (LTI) and Zero Recordable Injury (TRI) in projects covered by Arteak.

We have observed an improvement in the results of external HSSE audits (+ 19%) carried out before and after the provision of the Surveillance Overlay service, and an increase in the number of safety observations (+61%), compared to the global business benchmark.


Continuous presence of Arteak resources also resulted in a progressive reduction in the total number of deviations observed (-73%) and HiPo (-31%), as compared to early stages of projects delivery.


We are very proud of these results especially because this data and number are confirmed by the continuous trust of Shell Trading & Supply Operations in Arteak.

Our clients continuously aspire to improve and deliver safer and more competitive projects, for this reason we try to improve every day and make a difference for our clients, as well as for the people that work for them.


Arteak Ltd

14 Devonshire Square, London, EC2M 4YT - +44 (0) 20 79291144